10 Most Ridiculous Male Physiques In Video Games

These bulky bastions of muscle are beyond peak condition.

By Taylor Linyard /

Through the advancement of video game graphics, animation, rigging, and modeling, there have been massive advancements in how our beloved video game characters have looked across the long stretch of time video games have been around.


From the very pixilated Pac Man to the blocky Lara Croft, to the ultra-polished Final Fantasy 7 Remake designs, video game characters have come in every shape and size, but sometimes the main character in a video game can look just completely absurd.

Take the male character models in video games, which have gone beyond societal stereotypes on the ideas of manliness and peak physical condition and instead have become the complete opposite of the blocky pixels on the screen that were originally meant to represent humans and hedgehogs.

Video game makers have taken the societal ideas regarding the perfect man, and through many years of hard work have turned that idea into walking talking slabs of abs, pecs, and forearms.

Giving even modern-day bodybuilders a sense of inequality, these digital demigods smash their multitude of muscles into anything that dares to try and land a hit on such peaks of humanity.

10. Asura - Asura's Wrath

Hot-tempered, stubborn, and reckless are not the words you want to hear about a demi-god who is able to punch asteroids into pieces with all six of his massive metallic arms. Yet those are the words that perfectly describe Asura from Asura's Wrath, a man that has lived through millions of years and thousands of enemies, always ready for his next epic fight.


A somehow angrier god of war with high morals and a good heart, Asura's godly physique includes two extra pairs of arms - something Kratos could only dream about having. The red and black Machamp lookalike uses his rock hard exterior to destroy his enemies who throw punches the size of mountains at him.

A deadly immortal with devastating powers, the small-framed man at first looks like someone who would not be able to kill literal gods, and yet he goes through several superpowered deities with relative ease.

Asura also goes trough several epic quick time events twisting and turning his well-defined physique into all sorts of deadly forms that helped make this underrated classic an adrenaline-filled god punching game.
