10 Most Terrifying Enemies In Resident Evil History

Capcom are the masters of horror for a reason...

By Clayton Froggatt /

As with the release of RE7 soon, you may have noticed I've taken up a Resident Evil theme, and of course, judging by the title, this one is no different.


To judge the immense amount of monsters from the RE games is a... "challenge" to say the least, but before we meet the Bakers, the Molded and whatever other concoctions are buried within RE7, it seemed fitting to reminisce one more time, looking at ten terrifying enemies from RE history.

This started out as a "One from each game" sort of thing. It didn't remain that way, at least not completely.

Let's be honest, Capcom have conceptualised all manner of muscle-bursting horrors over the years, ranging from simple, shambling zombies to overblown, city-destroying... well, zombies, so for any missing creatures that scared you witless, feel free to include them in the comments below.

10. Web Spinner - Resident Evil

The number one for all the arachnophobes out there, but I can understand where they're coming from, enough to make it number ten.


They're not made a big deal, but their furry, hideous appearance and their, somewhat stealthy nature - always in the corner of the screen when you enter a room, it seems - makes them one hell of an imposing force.

Web Spinners always have specific sounding thuds to their movement too, so you always know when they're inbound.

When they're up close they'll spit and/or charge at you. Too close for comfort, but nothing bullets won't fix.
