10 Most Unique Ways You Killed Video Game Bosses

Even a monster's gotta eat.

By Jack Pooley /

Most video game bosses adhere to a pretty strict set of rules - they have a specific attack pattern which the player must learn in order to not die, while successfully attacking the boss will slowly whittle away their health bar until they're finally dead.


But sometimes developers are inclined to toy and tinker with this formula, affording players the opportunity to get a little more creative with the ways in which they finish off tough boss fights.

Not every boss battle is simply a war of attrition in which the player tirelessly hacks away at an oversized health bar for 15 minutes - sometimes you'll need to employ some more outside-the-box, left-field thought, especially if you want the quickest and easiest victory possible.

These 10 boss fights all rewarded players who dared to experiment and see what they could get away with, where a conventional slugfest is just totally boring by comparison.

Whether official strategies or more cheeky workarounds and exploits, these methods for felling mighty bosses represent some of the most singular and unforgettable you're ever likely to come across throughout your gaming career...

10. Pay Yojimbo To Cast Zanmato, Insta-Killing Any Boss - Final Fantasy X

The Final Fantasy franchise offers up plenty of unique methods for defeating bosses, such as killing dead enemies with Phoenix Downs or maybe even just doing nothing at all.


But perhaps the weirdest of the lot occurs in Final Fantasy X, where players can effectively pay their summon Yojimbo to kill any enemy - even bosses - with a one-hit kill ability Zanmato.

Yojimbo requires money to be used in combat, and the more money you pay him, the likelier he is to use Zanmato during a fight. And every time he uses it, the likelihood of him using it again next time increases.

Players who do their homework can basically exploit this to "cheese" their way through boss fights.

Though it's absolutely a legitimate game mechanic, some have effectively used it to "save-scum" their way to an easy boss kill by simply reloading the game if Yojimbo doesn't execute the move.
