10 Overhyped Video Game Storylines That Actually Went Nowhere

Don't fall the hype! There's nothing to see here, folks!

By Michael Fincher /

Hype can be a dangerous trap that video game fans fall into. Usually, the term is associated with game announcements and trailers that build up unreal expectations only to disappoint, but also, weirdly, overhyping things can happen long after a marketing cycle has wound down - it can happen in-game.


There are plenty of stories in games that the writers build up to hint at something grander, only for all of it to go nowhere.

An intriguing character arc, a major plot twist, or a revelation that could potentially alter the course of a title's history may all appear like they're going to lead to an amazing development in the game's story. In reality, though, only some of these plotlines get resolved, while the others are either dropped or simply forgotten.

Worst of all, these types of setups usually build up a lot of expectations within the playerbase, which, by the end of things, is left with nothing but regret and frustration.

Finding out a story element you were really excited about was just a fluke can be a huge disappointment, so if you want to avoid being let down by your favorite game's writers, make sure not to get your hopes up about the following storylines.

10. rA9 - Detroit: Become Human

Detroit: Become Human poses a lot of interesting questions about the nature of AI and our relationship with technology that are ultimately resolved in a somewhat underwhelming fashion. However, if there is one plot point that has left the players especially disappointed for its complete and utter lack of resolution, it's probably the teased RA9 plotline.


RA9 is the teased "god" of the deviant androids who is consistently referenced throughout many points in the game. The story makes it seem as though rA9 could serve as a point of discussion about androids' relation to spirituality or some intriguing plot twist that will play an important role in the final act of the game, but once the deviant revolution starts, rA9 is pushed aside and completely forgotten.

At one point, Detroit even teases that the deviant god could actually be a virus created by CyberLife to make their androids gain sentience, but this is never brought up again, and the only thing you're left with is a basic story with predictable endings and a ton of questions that will never be answered.

It seems the greatest mystery was why we even bothered to care about rA9 at all...
