There were the fake leaks, the real leaks, the announcement trailer, and now Bethesda's huge pre-E3 conference has given fans a wealth of Fallout 4 material to pore over. The latest instalment in the post-apocalyptic role-playing franchise is set to be the biggest yet, with an unprecedented amount of customisation and player interactions. Each new twist heralded whoops, cheers and applause from the assembled audience, with the feeling mutual on social media and blogs too. Safe to say the hype train is well and truly over-subscribed, hurtling towards what will hopefully be a finished game that deserves that level of pre-release excitement. It's difficult for any game to live up to the amount of anticipation Fallout 4 is currently facing. No matter how good the final product is, it's unlikely to match up to the idealised version that exists in the minds of fans. Especially when all the footage and information released so far has hinted at some potential problems with the game already. In bringing the franchise into a bright, shiny new iteration of the apocalypse, Bethesda are throwing all new gaming mechanics, technical innovations and the like into the mix. Then, in some respects, they're not doing enough. And don't get started on the radio. Here are ten potential problems with Fallout 4.