10 Powerful Video Game Moments That Gave You The Chills

"It looks like they were cut by... some type of blade."

By Scott Tailford /


'Getting the chills' is a strange phrase, in that depending on your own tastes and opinions there'll be a variety of things that resonate with you that may not with others. Still, we tend to apply it to anything that can elicit a particularly strong feeling of either positive or negative emotion.


We're not necessarily talking sadness or enjoyment as binaries, but something of a mix between the two; just real emotion weight, brought on by a number of factors that hammer-home a particular set-piece, character moment or mission climax. Thanks to their unique ability as a medium that twins the expansive big-budget feel of cinema with putting you behind the controls for every major event, video games have advanced spectacularly as technology allows developers to realise their wildest creations, giving us a great number of these to choose from.


Like film, TV or literature, there's going to be a huge amount of instances over the years that wider audiences can get behind, giving birth to landmark franchises along the way.

They could be incredibly heartwarming or soul-crushing, but either way these are a handful of immensely powerful moments that made all of us adopt a Neo-like "Woah"-face for everything from a few reactionary moments, to this day for some of them.
