10 PS3 Games That Need A Trophy Patch

With Metal Gear Solid 4 getting a trophy patch after 4 years, we look back at some other titles in need of the same treatment.

By Corey Milne /


With Metal Gear Solid 4 receiving a trophy patch 4 years after its release, it got us thinking what other games we would like to see get the same treatment. After all this isn't the first time developers have gone back to their games to implement the virtual crack we've come to love for no good reason.

Grand Theft Auto 4 came to the PS3 trophy-less, as did the original Uncharted. In both cases as with MGS4, a patch changed all of this. There are of course other games out there that came out before trophies were made mandatory, and while some are more likely to receive a trophy update than others, here are ten which would benefit from such a move.


10. The Orange Box

We'll get one of the more obvious one out of the way first. It's a crying shame that the Orange Box doesn't have any trophy support, when 360 players have several games worth of acheivements in their copy. The Orange Box launched in 2007, one year before the Playstation's trophy system went live. Of course the PS3 version of the Orange Box is cited to be the worst. While Valve handled the development on the PC and 360 versions of the game, the PS3 product was outsourced to EA. This of course was before Valve gave a damn about Sony's console. While there might have been the chance of a trophy patch if Valve had handled the PS3 copy, the chance of it happening is practically nil.
