10 Ridiculous Gaming Rumours That Never Came True

By WhatCulture /

It is fair to say that we have all been here. We see or hear a rumour and without even pausing for a moment to consider the validity of it, we instead listened to that said rumour and spent meaningless hours chasing a dream. The ironic thing is that we without fail, fall for these rumours again and again and its only until we look away at our screens at 1am we think to ourselves, "Hmm, this might in fact not be true". It's an unfortunate reality, but sometimes these myths are the very thing that keep us coming back for more. Here is my pick of 10 which were popular rumours which were never in any way true...

10. Tomb Raider - NUDE CODE!


This was a wide-spread rumour during a time where mods where unknown to the world and the classic Tomb Raider was a game nearly everybody owned. Anyways, during the late 90's, the world was introduced to the Lara Croft franchise and this heroine was one of the first that was easy on the eye (damn those schexy schexy pixels) and as of this, some wise-guy thought he would troll the world by saying that there was a nude code available and evidently, made Lara run around stark naked. This caused a pandemic amongst the video game world and everybody darted to their PC's, booted Windows 98 and scoured the internet for this "apparent" code. The end result was that this as a completely falsified rumour but in recent times with the introduction of mods and other software, modern Lara Croft titles are not so safe with her now being susceptible to saving the world, whilst being able to see a little more of her...