10 Scariest Classic Resident Evil Monsters

A horror gaming franchise is only as good as the monsters it contains within.

By Clare Simpson /

A horror game franchise is only as good as the monsters it contains within. Resident Evil shows us that with good solid baddies, a great game can ensue. I must say at this point that I do not find Resident Evil 5 or 6 scary - exciting and entertaining, yes, but they seem to have forsaken the simple fright factors (and survival horror) that made the first half of the series so good. Okay, in the first five games there's a lot of running around and backtracking to find keys and other arcane objects, but the game is both thrilling and scary. The satisfaction you get from solving a puzzle is immense and beating every scary monster is an achievement. Now the games are more geared towards big explosions, dramatic scenarios and a high body count. Some of us like pushing statues about! I have chosen 10 classic scary monsters in the Resident Evil franchise. These are the baddies that underpinned the Franchise up to Resident Evil 4. Please add your own scary monsters below.