10 Serious Gaming Moments That Were Unintentionally Hilarious


By Sam Coleman /

Heath Ledger€™s role as the Joker in The Dark Knight spawned an iconic look and a series of great moments but his €œWhy so serious?€ line is arguably the most memorable aspect of his character. It€™s a question that suggests there is a sense of humour to everything in life; even the most serious of matters can be lightened up. No medium displays that better than video games. Perhaps it€™s because we€™ve been desensitised by their childhood destroying, violent and bloody ways (were the tabloids right after all?) or perhaps there really is an element of the Joker in us all; something inside us that wants to find humour amongst all the drama. Whatever the psychological reasoning, serious and dramatic scenes in video games can tickle our funny bones at the same time. There€™s plenty of circumstances that can ruin a serious moment; it might be a translation error that changes a line€™s meaning so it makes no sense or it could be a terrible piece of voice acting that should have been re-recorded at least a couple more times. Does laughing at virtual misery and drama make us bad people? Perhaps, but we€™re unlikely to change our ways anytime soon so we might as well embrace it. Here are ten examples of moments in video games which were supposed to be taken seriously but, for whatever reason, ended up being hilarious...