10 Subtly Brilliant Video Games You Wrongly Overlooked

Like the look of Horizon Zero Dawn? It's been done before...

By Kevin McCasland /


In the past, the gaming industry focused its attention simply on games that looked the most appealing and fun, allowing for more balanced and well-distributed media coverage. In the current climate, it's all too easy to develop tunnel vision on the fan and media side, leading to an element of 'over-coverage' on a few particular games, resulting in a fewer titles getting much-deserved coverage.


Besides, even if a massive company like EA is sponsoring a new IP (like one of the games on this list), that new IP needs all the marketing power a publisher like EA can offer in order to get any attention whatsoever (spoiler alert: even that didn't pan out).

Regardless of the reasoning behind why these games got overlooked, it's about time they got some love and promotion sooner rather than later. These are 10 Subtly Brilliant Video Games You Wrongly Overlooked!



10. The Wolf Among Us


It's hard to deny that Telltale Games may be taking on too many different IP's and projects at once (although their Batman series has been great so far), but when they put their best effort forward, it's hard not to find yourself immersed in their multi-episode narratives. The Wolf Among Us was no different, as the overarching mystery present throughout the season was both engaging and full of intrigue.


Why it was overlooked: Unfortunately, TWAU released shortly after the immensely successful Walking Dead game, and the Fables IP (that TWAU is based on) is far more obscure than The Walking Dead. This led to far less immediate pre-orders, along with the much lower amount of hype and anticipation that TWAU had in comparison to TWD.

Why you need to check it out: Even if you're not a big fan of the point-and-click adventure style gameplay, TWAU has such a unique setting, great characters, and an interesting plot line that actually does take your decisions into account without trivializing or ignoring them. Besides, who can resist the chance to fight old fairy tale characters while controlling the Big Bad Wolf?
