10 Surprising Ways Video Games Are Actually Good For You

The perfect article for telling nagging parents and partners "I told you so!"

By David Opie /

VIDEO GAME PLAYERS ARE LOSING TOUCH WITH REALITY! COMPUTER GAMES CAN CAUSE EPILEPSY! VIOLENT GAMES LIKE GTA ARE DESENSITIZING OUR CHILDREN! These kind of shock headlines have been peddled out as genuine news stories ever since home video gaming first became popular back in the 1980's, but the scientific community have been consistently divided on this matter. For every study that's claimed video games are bad for our health, there's another that provides evidence to the contrary. Experts may debate whether the research is valid or not, but the long-term effects of video games on people are certainly not as clear cut as some media outlets would suggest. Studies suggest that some of the positive effects of video games include pain management, slowing the natural aging process and even increasing the size of your brain. Essentially, it turns out that video games can give you superpowers... well, sort of. Need some proof? Read on to discover 10 awesome ways video games are actually good for you. Whether you agree or disagree that video games can improve our lives, share your thoughts on the ongoing debate in the comments section below. Seriously though. It's like video games give you superpowers. Check it out.