10 Terrible Video Games You Didn't Realise Were Wildly Successful

Some games should crash and burn. But gaming is no fairytale world, and things sometimes don't make sense.

By Matthew Moffitt /

Video games, like other works produced to entertain the masses, aren't perfect; we as gamers know this. We know that there will be tiny hiccups in game mechanics, a plot point here or there that just doesn't fit, and/or pointless missions we must do just because it fills in the story (escort missions are particularly frustrating). But we put up with it - and I suppose "putting up with" is the wrong phrase: deep down we enjoy these little foibles of gaming because most of the time the other aspects of the game make up for it. Thus, what could be looked at as a "mistake" or "screw up" by the developers becomes nothing more than a little quirk they're known for. But not all the time. Sometimes games just suck, in every way possible - from game mechanics, to storyline, to pointless missions, to one dimensional characters - and the worst part is that sometimes these games make a cr*pton of money (Note: cr*pton is a precise term). Somehow these games sell, and sell a lot. The following list is just that: horrible games that somehow churned out millions of dollars. Prepare to be baffled.