10 Terrifying Video Game Bosses (That Are Hilariously Easy To Beat)

Yeah they LOOK good, but they're all just push-overs...

By James Wilson /

Boss battles are a sacred tradition in most video games and can be an incredibly rewarding experiences. Hours of exploration, gathering resources, levelling up abilities and fighting smaller enemies can all lead to an exhilarating battle against a unique and challenging foe that will test all your skills and knowledge of the game.


Some, depending on how difficult they are, can also test our patience, or in most cases the durability of our keyboards or controllers.

But as there are some games where we relish the chance to fight against another colossal opponent, there are others that will leave us quivering in our boots just at the thought of taking them on in a fight to the death. Whether they have been chasing us down throughout the entire game or trap us in a room with no means of escape, these bosses find a way to get under our skin and fill us with dread.

That is, until, we discover that their bark is a lot worse than their bite.

Unfortunately, despite how intimidating some of these bosses are, they are terribly anti-climactic and can be dealt with without breaking much of a sweat.

10. El Gigante - Resident Evil 5

If a boss from a previous game was to make a return in the future, you would naturally expect the developers to make that boss a bigger threat than they were before. Unfortunately, that was not the case for El Gigante.

It was hard to miss El Gigante when they first appeared in Resident Evil 4. Standing at over 20 feet tall, these hulking brutes provided a worthy challenge to gamers in one of the greatest games in the series. The key to beating them was all the same. Shooting them with enough bullets leads to the parasites inside them being exposed, giving you a prompt to slash at them. The fear of fighting this boss came from the pressure of avoiding his attacks while making every shot count.


So when he returned in Resident Evil 5, gamers assumed they would be given a similar challenge. Alas, this was not the case.

Instead of demonstrating any skill in avoiding his attacks, you are placed on a mounted machine gun and just have to hold the trigger and shoot his weak spots.

A once intimidating enemy was sadly reduced to an underwhelming bullet sponge.
