10 Things 2015’s Biggest Video Games Got Wrong

So close and yet so far... unless you want to pay $5.99 right now to unlock the extra content.

By Scott Tailford /

2015 is easily the finest year for video games since GTA V and Bioshock Infinite made 2013 a roaring suceess, and it's one that got things back on track following the disastrous, title-devoid rollout that was 2014. However, whilst we can certainly indulge in the delights of The Witcher 3's considerable mastery of the RPG genre or MGS V's experimental sandbox of gadgets, stat-tracking and enemy-abuse - almost every major game this year launched (or still has) a string of glitches, unfavourable features or outright bad decisions tarnishing them from perfection. Batman: Arkham Knight was ludicrously broken on PC (to the point where to this day, Warner Bros. are simply offering refunds because they still can't fix it), and Fallout 4's console versions were just as glitchy and broken as Skyrim's worst moments from 2011. Across the board, the norm is that a working game at launch is about as rare as a unicorn chewing a four-leaf clover. Luckily, the internet is as the internet does, and fans have been on-hand through the thick and thin to offer their 'advice' (in the form of vitriolic rants) to hopefully improve their purchases either right away, or for the inevitable sequel we'll get in the years to come.