10 Times Main Characters Killed Each Other
When worlds collide.
Death is a part of most video games, but generally players expect to kill their way through a fleet of anonymous goons, a handful of bosses, and maybe a big bad at the top of the food chain.
It's much rarer for a video game to have one franchise protagonist end up killing another, because how often does that even make any sense?
And yet, these games all pulled off the impressive feat of introducing a new lead character who, for whatever reason, had a major bone to pick with a previous one, and so went about putting them in the ground.
Perhaps the original hero became a villain in the sequel, or the these lead characters were simply operating within different, conflicting factions which brought them inevitably colliding together.
No matter the reason, these video games all saw new main characters brutally kill prior ones.
In all instances it was shocking, and in a select few it might've even straight-up pissed off the fanbase - and that's certainly true of one game on this list in particular (you know the one)...
10. Shay Cormac Killed Adéwalé - Assassin's Creed: Rogue
Freedom Cry is a standalone DLC for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag set more than a decade after the main game, in which players take control of Black Flag's fan favourite support character Adéwalé.
Though Adéwalé survives the events of the DLC, he isn't long for this world regardless, as the next game in the series - Assassin's Creed Rogue - sadly has our new lead off him.
Rogue revolves around Shay Patrick Cormac, a former Assassin who turns against the Brotherhood to instead help the Templars hunt them down.
This inevitably leads him into conflict with Adéwalé, who poses quite the threat to the Templars, and so players are eventually tasked with taking him out.
Unlike many games on this list, you actually have to do the dirty work yourself rather than simply observe the fateful moment from the cutscene peanut gallery.
You need to sneak up on Adéwalé and shank him of your own accord before getting to witness his death cinematic.