10 Unlikely But Awesome FPS Reboots of Classic Games

Here's a run down of games that could benefit from an FPS reboot.

By Travis Smith /

Guns are, as the saying goes, the solution, and cause, of all of life's problem. Except, in the case of this article, they're just the solution. Gaming history is filled with minor annoyances that inspire vitriol in gamers, many of which could be solved simply by introducing guns into the equation. In other cases, guns would help make an already classic game better still. It's like a more violent equivalent of when game developers throw in the addendum "in space," such as with Angry Birds in Space. What's better than bullets and blood? If the popularity of Call of Duty, and the dozens of pretenders to that throne, has anything to say about it, nothing. On the whole, games have become violent to such a degree that there's a public outcry if they're not violent enough. But, for a second, let's pretend that more violence is, in this case, actually the answer. Here's a run down of games that could benefit from an FPS reboot.