10 UNSETTLING Facts About Your Favourite Games

These pieces of trivia are far from wholesome.

By Michael John-Day /

Here's a wild assumption - you probably love hearing facts about video games, right? The fact you're reading this article right now is a testament to that, and, to be fair, who could blame you? Behind-the-scenes video game stories, pieces of trivia, and tidbits are the backbone of the industry. Everyone loves playing games, but learning interesting stuff about your favourite titles can sometimes be just as fun.  


Now, when it comes to gaming facts, it's typically par for the course to focus on entertaining, light-hearted details. Trivia examples like Pac-Man's design being inspired by a pizza missing a slice, or GTA starting as a cops and robbers style game, give gamers some sweet peeks behind the curtain. However, there's a seedier side to gaming trivia that is far more nefarious, sinister, and creepy. 

The gaming industry is host to many unsettling facts, with even some of your most beloved games sporting twisted details that will send chills down your spine. So, in the interest of ruining your childhood and taking a plunge into the darker side of gaming, let's look through some truly haunting trivia. 

10. A Brutal End For Jimmy (Bully)

If you've ever wanted to become a societal menace in a GTA-style romp without the excessive violence, then Bully is the game for you. Rockstar's light-hearted and less violent alternative to their flagship series is a delightfully charming game that doesn't rely on murder and mayhem to keep you entertained. 


That said, this campy school simulator came close to featuring one of the most brutal, violent, and disturbing character deaths Rockstar has ever rendered.  

A selection of cut dialogue assets (documented here) reveals that the game nearly featured a death animation that would have seen Jimmy, the game's protagonist, plunged into a vat of acid. Yes, you read that right; poor little Jimmy came close to dissolving like a dead body in Walter White's basement. 

This horrendous fate would have occurred in the "Showdown at the Plant" mission during the boss fight with Edgar. Upon being beaten, Jimmy would have been thrown into the vat, as seen in dialogue like "Poor little Jimmy, taking an acid bath." Now, that's way more sickening than skateboarding around and pelting people with a slingshot.  
