10 Upcoming Video Games That Could Change Things Forever

By Michael Johnson /

A new generation of consoles is upon us and while we can expect many titles to take advantage of the increase in raw power to batter our senses with ever shinier graphics, they aren't necessarily the games that we will look back upon in ten years time and exclaim 'That game changed everything'. But there are games in development that have the potential to do so - whether an Xbox One title that seeks to utilize the console's powerful social tools, a PlayStation 4 game that showcases Sony's knack for snapping up unique indie gems, or even a PC game only made possible by its fans via the magic of crowd-funding. This list may not be exhaustive, with high-profile developers like Bethesda and Naughty Dog yet to unveil their next-gen debuts. Nonetheless, the titles that populate this list are potential game-changers, games infused with innovation or that combine existing ideas into what we hope will be unique experiences that will have a lasting impact. If you have any alternative selections tell us what they are and why you think they can shake things up in the comments below.