10 Upcoming Video Games We're Dying To See More Of

So many games, so little information...

By George Foster /


The first half of 2017 has already been one of the best years in gaming history, with incredible titles like Persona 5, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild making the previous two look like a bit of a joke. This fantastic start is only the beginning of what looks set to be a solid future for the rest of the generation.


This momentum absolutely needs to continue, and thanks to what was seen and confirmed at E3, it certainly will. Besides EA (which was a massive snooze-fest), the rest of the competition handled the show spectacularly, making sure to show the audience exactly what they wanted - games.

Indeed, E3 2017 has left us with a huge amount of upcoming titles to speculate over and get excited about. The rest of this year looks absolutely jam-packed with games, and 2018 looks set to keep the momentum going in even bigger and more interesting ways. Here's hoping that each title manages to live up to the hype they've created.
