10 Upcoming Xbox One Indie Games That'll Make PS4 Owners Jealous

Microsoft have Sony beaten hands-down at this point.

By Robert Zak /

The latest console war has been largely shaped by an area that just five years ago, was seen as little more than a nice little novelty on the side. Indie games have exploded. They're everywhere, offering experiences just as memorable as AAA games - albeit at a quarter of the price. Unfortunately, Microsoft didn't seem aware of this fact when it launched the Xbox One, and turned off many great indie developers when it announced that all games in the Xbox Marketplace would need to be backed by a publisher. Naturally, all the indie talent flocked to the PS4, leaving Microsoft wondering why no one wanted to buy their bulky new baby. But credit where it's due; Microsoft has admitted its mistakes and turned around on its anti-indie policy. Since Microsoft launched its Independent Developers @ Xbox program, offering indies free development kits that let them integrate their games with all the XBO's features, the console has actually started shaping up to be a worthy competitor to the PS4. Things have changed quickly in the last year, and the Xbox One indie lineup features games that'll have PS4 gamers turning greener than the Xbox logo with envy. Yes, the Xbox One indie scene is on the up, giving gamers a lot to look forward to over the coming months.