10 Video Game Bosses That Made Us Rage Quit - 2019 Edition

2019 has not been pulling its punches.

By Rachel Shackleton /

It's Autumn 2019, and already we have seen more than enough examples of video game boss fights that have no doubt caused many a controller to defy gravity.


With so many stellar titles releasing, there is always bound to be numerous examples of incredible boss designs, frustratingly difficult encounters to triumphantly overcome, and possibly just a few examples of boss fights that were just so broken, that they caused players to give up on the games entirely.

There's no shame in admitting that you've given up on a game.

Not everyone wants to spend hours banging their head against the same enemy time and time again when they could be playing literally anything else. Maybe even visiting the outside world, reading one of those paper devices with lots of words in them, or engaging in social interaction at the local watering hole. Whatever that is.

However, those who did stick it out and persevere through progressing through a rage-quit scenario would find peace and enlightenment unlike any other.

These are 2019's best and brightest difficult boss fights, featuring multiple non-skippable introductory phases, ticking timers, massively overpowered moves with zero margin for error, and the odd grandad crawling out of his grandson's neck.

Because video games.

10. Dark Inferno - Kingdom Hearts III

Kingdom Hearts optional bosses have a bit of a reputation about them as being easily the hardest encounters in their respective games.


Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts, the Mysterious Figure in Birth By Sleep and the Lingering Will in Kingdom Hearts 2 were this time joined by the Dark Inferno from Kingdom Hearts 3.

Accessible only after first beating the main story, Dark Inferno is a huge humanlike heartless wielding two giant blue swords. It sports a ridiculous amount of health and the fight only gets harder as you slowly whittle down the twenty health bars.

Even at max level, its special attacks will slice your health to pieces, requiring you to constantly balance between pressuring with your own attacks and blocking and countering the Inferno's relentless combos.

Spamming is simply not an option here, a method that may well carry you through Kingdom Hearts 3's main story. Another case of a lengthy boss fight with a very difficult final phase that could very well send you straight back to the graveyard in the blink of an eye.
