10 Video Game Characters You Unintentionally DOOMED

When helping just makes things worse.

By Michael Fincher /

Making choices is one of the most crucial aspects of story-driven video games. It’s what lets the player control the course of the narrative and decide what type of story they want to tell.


However, not every choice you make is crystal clear when it comes to its consequences.

Sometimes you might take an action with very specific intentions in mind, only to be surprised by a completely different outcome. Usually in the form of something really tragic happening to the people you were trying to help.

There are plenty of moments in video games where your attempts at giving someone a helping hand result in them suffering a terrible end. This can be especially disheartening when the person in question is an NPC who acts as your friend or a loyal companion.

Nothing hurts more than knowing you have unintentionally doomed someone with your "good deed." For this reason, you might want to be extra careful when dealing with the following NPCs.

Deciding their fate may not be as simple as it seems.

10. Charles Kinnear - Red Dead Redemption

Since the dawn of mankind, one of humanity's greatest aspirations has been to conquer the skies and soar through the air like a majestic eagle.


Red Dead Redemption 1 allows you to connect with this innate dream by helping an aspiring inventor named Charles Kinnear build his first flying machine. It then takes that dream and crushes it right in front of your face when Mr. Kinnear and his contraption plunge headfirst into their impending doom.

Yes, although your intentions for helping Charles may be good, if not downright noble, the world of Red Dead Redemption is apparently not a place for dreams and ambitions. As soon as you deliver the necessary parts for Charles' flying machine, the man takes it for a test flight and then almost immediately finds himself losing control and falling to his death.

It's a really cruel trick on the game's part, as trying to gather all of the ingredients for Charles' project is incredibly time-consuming. The fact that all your efforts ever amount to is the death of an innocent man who just wanted to realize his dreams is just brutal.

But hey, at least Charles got off better than John.
