10 Video Game DLCs Fans REJECTED

Even Avengers' DLC was an abomination.

By Psy White /

Despite being part of gaming for a long time now, downloadable content is still a topic that can warrant a multitude of different reactions. This depends on who you are, where your tastes lie and of course the company and the game delivering the goods.


Not all DLC is bad by any means. Many gamers have given us brilliant additional content that has been well worth the money; be that additional characters, maps, missions and maybe even the odd cosmetic if you're partial. It's very much "your mileage may vary" a lot of the time but there is plenty of objectionably good DLC packs.

And, on the flip-side, plenty which are outright mistakes and rightfully despised.

A lot of bad DLC can be easy to ignore simply by virtue of being optional but now and then game publishers put out something that makes everyone stop and say: "seriously"?

In this list, we'll be looking at DLC choices for video games that the fans wouldn't let pass. These awful additional chunks of game upset, frustrated and disgusted players and became a sour part of gaming history because of it.

10. Paying For An Extra Save Slot - Metal Gear Survive

The games on this list are all of varying quality but it’s fair to say that Metal Gear Survive is entry where the franchise’s fans outright rejected the entire product. After Hideo Kojima left Konami and the company forged on with his IP it was bound to be a disaster, and that’s before adding in base building elements and zombies.


Metal Gear Survive is not much of a Metal Gear game, and more to the point it’s Konami at their most Konami. Nowhere can this be seen better than the game’s “save slot DLC” controversy.

It’s one thing to ask players to pay for something that was free in previous instalments but an expected feature of any video game that has been a standard for 30 years was outrageous. Konami, their hardened shell of being laughed at and derided, were immune to the torrent of rage that this created.

Most people wouldn’t pay for the tragedy that was Survive, let alone a second save slot to play it again - but the gall to even do such a thing couldn’t escape mockery.

The save slot was priced at 1000 SV coins, the in-game currency which could be saved up or, naturally, bought with real world money. At an asking price of $10 for that 1000, those that actually bought the game kindly told Konami where to shove it.
