10 Video Game Heroes Who Became Villains In The Sequel

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a video game villain.

By Michael Fincher /

If you've been around on the internet long enough or you are a Dark Knight fan, you've probably seen the phrase "you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain."


To some, it's the most quotable line from the Nolan's Batman series. To others, also known as video game protagonists, it is their life's motto.

That's right! The world of video games is full of characters who might've started their journey as heroes, but by the time they get a sequel, their character arc leads them down the path of villainy.

Their change of allegiance is sometimes a result of a mistake, sometimes an unfortunate twist of faith, and sometimes a deliberate decision fueled by their desire to see the world burn! In any case, the hero joins up with the forces of evil, and while it might be disheartening to see your favorite character become what they have sworn to destroy, it also makes for a fascinating plot twist.

Nothing really lasts forever, and the following heroes decided to end their careers of goodness with a bang. Let's take a closer look at their transformation and see what caused them to finally snap in the sequel.

10. Dr. Vahlen - XCOM 2

Dr. Vahlen is one of the supporting members of the XCOM team and serves as the organization's research specialist.


Unlike most of the characters from the first game, Vahlen does not make a physical appearance in the sequel, but this is because, by the events of XCOM 2, your helpful lead scientist decides to switch sides and turn into a shadowy villain with a disturbing and enigmatic motive.

In XCOM 2, your new team reveals that Dr. Vahlen mysteriously disappeared from the XCOM headquarters shortly after the aliens took over Earth, taking most of her research with her. The trail runs cold from here, but if you have the Alien Hunters DLC, you can actually find her secret lab, where Dr. Vahlen has teamed up with the occupying alien forces to experiment on the three rulers of other conquered alien civilizations to enhance them and create terrifying new breeds to unleash onto the Earth.

Her creations serve as the DLC's primary antagonists, but considering this is only one of Dr. Vahlen's many unethical experiments, maybe they should actually be called victims of a far more insidious villain.
