10 Video Games That Have Epically Failed This Decade

The one common element is that they all catastrophically failed in spite of huge promise.

By Jack Pooley /

The video game industry is a fickle business, one that hinges heavily on first impressions, because once potential buyers have had a look at an initial gameplay trailer, they're most likely going to have already made their minds up about whether or not to buy it. For the most part, these 10 games invited high expectations with their slick, glossy trailers from well-respected video game developers, yet each of these games ultimately proved disappointing due to what can only be described as a series of epic fails in development. Unsurprisingly, many of these games were hamstrung by controversial and much-discussed online elements, such as online-based digital rights management, promises of an ambitious online mode that didn't deliver, crappy "netcode", or maybe just failing to compete with its better-established brethren. As for the rest of the games on this list? They simply didn't live up to the good name their franchise (or the long-a** development time) implied, and in one despicable instance, completely betrayed everything they had set out to do with the series. The one common element is that they all catastrophically failed in spite of huge promise. Did we miss any epic video game misfires released since 2010? Or do you care to defend any of these games? Let us know in the comments!