10 Video Games That Instantly Pissed Fans Off

These games left fans fuming in record time.

By Jack Pooley /

First impressions are everything, and that's especially true where video games are concerned. 


The first glimpse that players get of a new game will colour how they perceive it forever more, and if that initial look isn't promising, it can be extremely tough for developers to reverse the tide of negative publicity.

But these 10 games weren't merely met with lukewarm responses right out of the gate - they did something unforgiveable enough to earn genuine venom-spitting vitriol from basically the entire fanbase.

These games all invoked the ire of their fans in record time, whether refusing to just give players what they want, introducing invasive DRM policies, or straight-up insulting the very people who might've otherwise bought the game.

These games all went on to have a "complicated" legacy, if we're being kind, and it all stems back to that initial reveal or launch day controversy, which forever tainted how the game was viewed by, well, basically everyone.

The lesson here? Publishers and developers need to think long and hard about the work they produce, and consider every possible angle from which they can avoid pissing off paying customers...

10. Metroid Prime: Federation Force

Have Metroid fans really not suffered enough with the excruciating, almost 20-year wait for a legit successor to Metroid Prime 3: Corruption? 


But in 2015, two years before Metroid Prime 4 was finally confirmed by Nintendo, they announced the first new Metroid game in over half a decade, since the wildly divisive Other M.

Yet despite leading fans to expect either Metroid Prime 4 or at least a worthy spin-off, they got... Federation Force, a co-op FPS exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS. 

The infamous reveal trailer was widely derided online for brazenly showing off how the game deviated from Metroid's classic formula, scaling back exploration to focus on multiplayer action, adopting a more cartoonish art style, and even lacking Samus as a playable character.

Irate fans ultimately created a petition asking Nintendo to cancel the game, and while that didn't come to pass, fans did at least vote with their wallets, ensuring Federation Force flopped at retail.
