10 Video Games That Pose Extremely Deep Questions

Put on your thinking hat because it's time to get philosophical.

By Robert Hill /

As a relatively new medium, compared to film, books, and TV, a sizeable chunk of the history of video games has been filled with games that don't require you to have your brain turned on. However, since the turn of the century, there have been more and more games hitting the market that flat out refuse to let you play them absent mindedly.


While some games directly smack you over the head with their themes, not giving your mind a second to breathe, others either take a more subtle approach, or somehow unintentionally ask questions that make your head spin as if it were a helicopter.

What makes video games unique as a medium is that you are in control. This allows them to directly make you contemplate the consequences of your own actions, and what they mean, as you play them. Whether it be through their morality choices, character customization, world building, or game mechanics, the avenues in which games can explore concepts are near endless.

Now that we're done with that, it's time to boggle our minds with ten video games that pose extremely deep questions.

10. Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy

Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy is frustration incarnate. It's also pretty deep too.


The goal is simple, all you have to do is get to the top. Every so often a narration will pose some half-hearted philosophical message almost in the tone of parody. It makes sense considering the character you play as is the Greek philosopher Diogenes, a man notorious for his self-indulgent antics.

Speaking of Greek history, the player themselves is essentially Sisyphus, a mythological figure cursed with the eternal task of rolling boulder up a hill only for it to come back down right before reaching the peak.

You'll find yourself wondering what the point of trying to beat the game even is. Do you believe that at some point things will change? Is its out of nothing more than spite? Have you found peace in the comfort of repetition?

These are all questions we face in real life. So often do when end up repeating the same actions expecting a different result, only to find the metaphorical boulder rolling back down the hill once again. We only ever tend to learn when the boulder we're pushing ends up crushing us. Getting Over It brings us face to face with this reality by doing exactly that, crushing us.
