10 Video Games That Reward You For Being A Jerk

F**k others around, find out.

By Michael Fincher /

Playing a jerk can be a lot of fun in games, but since ignoring people or killing them doesn’t tend to lead to any quests or developments, you rarely get rewarded for it.


But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if there was a way to profit from acting like a colossal jerk to every NPC you met?

Well, as it turns out, there are a number of games that do reward their players for bullying, snubbing, and the general disregard of common rules of decency.

Although you can play them like a regular good person, if you decide to go down the dark path and become public enemy number one, you can still come out the other side with rather sizable and, in some cases, unique rewards, such as special gear, custom dialogue options, and even alternate stories.

Let’s be honest, there are plenty of annoying NPCs in games that deserve to be sassed and belittled. And if you ever wanted to be rewarded for doing your due diligence as the resident jerk, the following titles are here to help you with that.

10. A Price Per Body - Grand Theft Auto V

Trevor Phillips is unarguably the most psychotic and ruthless of the three protagonists of Grand Theft Auto V, which is why when you play as him, the game gives you special options to interact with the world in a more unhinged, Trevor-like fashion.


It even makes such options more worthwhile to you, as evidenced by the deals he can make with the so-called Altruist Cult, a group of nudist cannibals that offer Trevor some monetary compensation for bringing unsuspecting hitchhikers to their camp.

Normally, interacting with hitchhikers and taking them where they want to go rewards you with a handful of cash or a half-hearted thank you. In Trevor’s case, if he decides to take them on a little detour through the Altruists’ mountain pass, that reward can go up to thousands of dollars per victim, topped off with the nightmares you'll experience after hearing the screams of your victims being hauled inside the cannibals' camp.

Well, the second reward is technically optional. It depends on whether or not you have any shred of humanity left after selling a bunch of innocent people to be butchered.
