10 Well-Known Gaming 'Facts' That Are Actually Bulls**t

Finally, a concrete answer on whether Aerith had to die or not.

By Scott Tailford /

From dominating playground chatter to being 'that guy' in the office forever bursting with information, you just can't beat throwing down a good fact to wow the masses in attendance - all four of them. And, back in an internet-less world only just starting to travel the information superhighway, the rumour mill cog-turner was king. There are plenty of social theories that break down how people have viewed authority figures and sources of information over time, and as we've progressed from being wholly reliant on religious do's and don'ts to technology-based influencers like radio and TV, now it's the internet that can debunk or validate something within seconds. As such, we've developed a keen sense of Googling things within seconds of detecting anyone's telling porky pies, bringing the hammer down to that one person who forever insists they played as a certain 'hidden' character, hit a button to make something appear or "couldn't remember how", but had unlocked a secret level. These days everything appears online at some point, and for better or worse that's enables gamers to stay up to date with any given title's creation alongside the development team - as well as letting intrepid fact-finders delve into the history of the medium to debunk plenty of 'facts' that used to be thought of as concrete.
