10 Worst "Ultimate" Video Game Weapons

Best to let these "Legends" fade into myth.

By Jules Gill /

The quest for an almighty video game weapon is a trope that we gamers know all too well.


Seems like if there's a big bad invading the land, there will be a Master Sword, a Bow of Light, or - I don't know - a fabled shoe with a razorblade stuck in the heel that was sneezed on by a fairy a thousand years ago and is now considered a blessed relic.

It doesn't matter the form, all that matters is the raw, unyielding, power.

Wielding such weapons of legend can make for some of the best moments in a video game, as you now batter away mobs like they were but flies, and crack open bosses as if they were crabs and you were a seafood competition eater.

However, before you pack a lunch pail and tie your favourite questing bandanna around your noggin, not all "Ultimate" video game weapons are worth the time, effort or stress to unlock. As whether through severe nerfing, awful placement, or downright useless abilities some of these supposedly mighty items end up being nothing more than glorified paperweights!


Article adapted from our Youtube channel

10. The Shield - Ghosts N' Goblins

Whenever someone complains about video games being too challenging in this day and age, show them Ghosts N' Goblins on the NES, which is basically a war crime for how much it brutalizes the player at every given opportunity.


Enemies that ignore terrain, regenerate almost immediately, don't telegraph their attacks, and take multiple hits to take down are par for the course here and will leave most a gibbering wreck by the end of things.

In fact, they might have been sent into this state by how the game cheaps you out of a victory if you didn't use the "ultimate" weapon located in the final stage, that being the Shield.

Now I know that Captain America has popularised using a shield as a thrown weapon, but honestly, this shield absolutely bites. It has a pathetic range and a weak damage output, so of course, most players would choose to ignore this over something more pointy.

Well more fool you, because if you don't have the shield equipped you can't defeat Astaroth at the end of the game, and using any other weapon will send you right back to the start of the stage. FUN RIGHT?! When your ultimate weapon is an utter mare to use and also mandatory, you know you're in for a bad time.
