11 Must Haves When Building A Gaming PC

Ever thought of joining the PC Master Race? You need these.

By Rob Thubron /

Building a gaming PC is often seen as bit scary for those with limited knowledge of computer hardware, but constructing one is easier today than it's ever been thanks to simple plug-and-play components, endless online guides and some hardware that's already pre-fitted (e.g. the processor and RAM into the motherboard). One of the great things about building your own gaming PC is that you can tailor it with peripherals, aesthetically and component wise - to exactly the way you want it. Are you on a limited budget and merely want something to compete with modern-day consoles i.e. a PC that gives 30 fps at 1080p with the graphical settings turned up? Or do you want a gaming beast that costs the same amount as a car, can pump out 4k resolution at 60 fps and has more gaming peripherals than a 90's arcade? The choice is yours, and your wallet's. If you do decided to go ahead and build your own gaming rig, what are the most important areas to spend your money on? Which components, accessories and peripherals are the most important to today's PC gamer? This list comprises the most important items that will enhance someone's experience of PC gaming, rather than just stating the best components to use. Meaning no recommendations which is the best CPU water cooler to buy, for example.