11 Reasons Gaming Was Better When You Were Younger

Remember when games launched and didn't require patches to function?

By Ryan A. Hill /

The latest generation of gaming consoles offer a plethora of modern tricks and features - some stuff you can't believe you ever lived without. Life wasn€™t always this way of course, but was it really all that bad? Now something like a Playstation isn€™t just for tackling games; it's a Blu-ray player, internet browser, TV, social hub, media centre and lastly, a gaming machine. It makes you wonder if console developers are spending enough time on the gaming side when they have all these other avenues to worry about, to be honest. These forced innovations are put in place assumedly to make the life of a gamer that little bit easier or more streamlined in the long run, but the problem is that developers don€™t seem to realise that these things - these little annoyances or nuances - can be what made them adore the medium in the first place. In a world where nostalgia is the king of feelings, take this time to go back and visit some of the unique elements and facets of the industry that made you fall in love with it. Revisit all of the highs (and some lows) of being young, free and in love with reduced pixel-counts smashing each other€™s blocky brains in.