11 Ways Telltale's Batman Is The Best Since Arkham Asylum

Who knew the missing ingredient was Bruce Wayne?

By Scott Tailford /


Remember the first time you played Arkham Asylum? The feel of controlling Batman so perfectly?


The heaving sound of every punch, the perfect voice acting, the hulking stature Bruce had, towering over the almost skeletal Joker as he turned him over to the authorities - I never thought a developer would (or could) nail everything about a character so well ever again.

However, the one key ingredient missing from those games was that of Bruce Wayne. Rocksteady fell back on letting you pummel thugs to paste and tear off around Gotham in the Batmobile, their version of "Being the Batman" was routed in physicality; donning the costume and feeling the escapist thrills of ruling those dank city streets.


For the script-heavy Telltale series though, their story needed to go deeper, delving into the public side of Bruce's psyche that the world sees at large. It's by doing so and maintaining a steady balance of time in the costume, that the developers manage to mould a version of Batman you can really understand, shaping many crucial aspects of his character to your liking.

It might not be getting anywhere near as much press as it deserves, but if you're anything of a fan of the character, check out these reasons why it blows every other Batman game since Arkham Asylum out the water...


Note: Article contains light spoilers for Episode 1.