12 Classic Things Most Modern Video Games Are Missing

Video games these days would be much better with these 12 classic features...

By Jack Pooley /

Though in just about any form of entertainment people love to recall the good old days and complain about how things just aren't as good as they used to be, that's a much more difficult argument to make with video games. Considerably more so than movies or music, games have evolved so much over the last 20 years, making gigantic technological leaps which are inherent to the success of the medium. That said, there are some totally valid arguments to suggest that the "progress" is a mixed blessing, delivering gorgeous graphics, but also sacrificing much of the medium's integrity, either by way of shady business tactics or an overt reliance on modern technologies which may ultimately appear short-sighted in another 10 or 15 years' time. As video games become more complex and difficult to assemble, many gamers have begun to yearn for a hearkening back to the days of old, where what you saw was what you got, for though some modern developers do indeed show total respect for their audience, they're sadly becoming an increasingly rare commodity. As gaming has become the most lucrative entertainment product in the world, greed has driven publishers and developers to stifle creativity and short-change players at the same time, and if gamers want this to stop, they need to start voting with their wallets and letting companies know that, sometimes, regression isn't such a bad thing. Here are 12 classic things most modern video games are missing...