12 PlayStation 2 Games You Forgot You Loved

Who says next-gen is all you need?

By Ryan A. Hill /

The original PlayStation was a tough act to follow but the guys at Sony knocked their heads together and came up with a bloody good successor. The PlayStation 2 was common place on TV stands all around the world, the console topped the PS1 when it sold over 155 million units, giving its main rivals (Dreamcast and Xbox) a run for their money. Just under four thousand titles have been released for this machine collectively selling over 1.5 billion copies. Out of those four thousand-odd games some were amazing, some were terrible and some barely made it out of the studio. This article is dedicated to the ones somewhere in the middle. The games that were good enough to be loved but not popular enough to be at the forefront of someone€™s mind when they think back to what made the console great. This list contains some brilliant titles from PS2 that you played and played, then shoved into a dusty corner of your brain and never bothered to think about again, until now. So open up the nostalgia draw, pull out that memory quilt and reminiscence slippers and get ready to go on a lovely warm journey through history and happiness.