14 Biggest WTF Gaming Moments Of 2014

From giant Nazi zombie fetuses to the Gamergate scandal...

By Jack Pooley /

It's fair to say that 2014 wasn't exactly an awesome year for video games. Sure, there were a number of great releases, but on the whole it was a pivotal year best remembered for relations between gamers and developers reaching their tipping point. With so many developers cutting corners in the pursuit of a quick buck, gamers turned to the Internet to bite back, and it certainly felt like no year saw so many righteously p***ed off gamers as 2014. As such, it's been quite the year of WTF revelations, ranging from the aforementioned shady practices of developers and publishers to, more harmlessly, bizarre and unexpected moments from great games. Whether actually in a game or taking place behind the scenes, these moments from the gaming world in 2014 shocked, appalled and amused gamers, leaving them wondering quite what was going to happen next. From ridiculous, giant Nazi fetuses to gaming's newest scumbag developer and everything in between, here are the 14 moments that most made players quite literally shout "WTF!?" at anyone who would listen. Many of these moments will surely help define the state of gaming in 2015, and others will simply show developers where the line is in terms of shocking and objectionable content (and provoke them to deliberately cross it).
