15 Best Moments In Assassin's Creed History

More crazy Da Vinci contraptions in the future, please.

By Adam Hogg /


Spanning multiple games, spin-off games, books, videos and even a movie, the adventures of the white-robed murder machines of Assassin's Creed are simply vast. And while there have been notable highs and lows, there are some shining moments that standout as truly excellent, both within and outside of the series.


From epic set-pieces, monologues, final encounters and sombre deaths, the Assassin’s Creed series has managed to hit several exceptionally high notes. Giving us some of the most memorable moments in gaming, the series never fails to astound.

Today we scour the depths of the Animus to find the most exceptional moments to ever grace our consoles, and present to you, the top 15 moments in all of Assassin’s Creed history.


Starting with...



15. Fighting Bellec


Unity was somewhat… forgettable. It had its moments, but it was overall underwhelming. Plagued by technical issues, a lacklustre story and characters that were dull and unimaginative, it resulted in a game that was just… meh. But even with all that, it had one shining glory:

The fight against Bellec.


A genuinely difficult fight that required a degree of skill and finesse, the fight with Bellec was picture perfect. Fighting atop a cathedral amidst a storm instilled a sense of peril and was just awe-inspiring. Couple that with combat that was relatively difficult, and you had a fight that was actually really fun.


The weight behind the encounter was perhaps one of the more thought provoking philosophical concepts in the game. That, and the emotion behind fighting your mentor gave the fight a degree of heart that was lacking throughout the rest of the story.

It was the standout moment and represented what AC: Unity could have been. It’s just a shame that the rest of the game falls incredibly short.
