15 Best Video Game Teaser Trailers Of All Time

Regardless of how they eventually turned out, these first reveals blew us all away.

By Scott Tailford /

Do you like the steam-powered, engine-whistle-screaming hype train? Most of the time it's got some mighty fine seats when you first come aboard - and they'll even ensure you remain comfortable for the duration too - but come time for release-day departure, it's a cold cast-off into the black nether as it speeds on without you. 'Pre-order culture' has become a huge part of the industry over the last few years, with what started with store-specific orders netting you something fairly pointless like an extra shotgun or player skin now entire chapters, characters or in Destiny's case the entire story being queued up for release long after the initial drop-date. What kickstarts this wondrous process is the trailers - those first glimpses into another world, taste of tonality, gameplay or story element that's custom-edited to resonate with as many as people as possible. Regardless of how the final product ends up, we can all agree that for better or worse, there's something really enjoyable and almost childlike in the idea of throwing caution to the wind and getting caught up in some pre-release "I can't wait to play this!" hype. Naturally that's the exact mindset the industry is hoping to never refrain from preying on, but for all of these initial reveals, we were too busy picking our jaws back up to notice.