15 Lies The Fallout Games Taught Us About The Real World

Don't try this at home.

By Kenneth Cummings /

The Fallout games are - unsurprisingly - all video games. They don't exist in the real world and they take a few liberties when it comes to that magical coveted quality gamers refer to as realism. Sometimes these unrealistic "gamey" elements can be a bit jarring, and other times it's just fun to point out the "video game logic" at work when compared to real life. As a disclaimer, we should probably point out that these are in no way criticisms of the game itself. When you're playing an RPG, more than a little imagination and suspension of disbelief is required. There's been a lot of talk - most of it hot air - on whether or not video games influence a person's actions in the real world. If this were the case, you should feel sorry for that person, because taking life lessons from Fallout won't get you anywhere fast. The Vault Dweller might be considered a hero in the Wasteland, but in the real world, he'd be little more than a crazy junkie who thinks enemies take turns in war and that crippled limbs can be slept off overnight. Our RPG heroes might unstoppable badasses, but also that's due largely in part to them bending the rules of reality a bit.

15. Radio DJs Are Omniscient, But They Also Have Terrible Memory

It doesn't matter what you do, or who's around to see it. Whether you murder some old lady in a remote shack with no witnesses or nuke an entire town, you can bet your local DJ has heard about it, and he's ready to broadcast that you did it, not that anyone will notice or care, though. If there's anything the radio stations of Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas have taught us, it's that DJs are omniscient beings, capable of knowing everything that goes on in the wastes even if there's no fathomable way they could know. Of course, news isn't exactly new in the wasteland. Despite all the conflict in the world, radio hosts still go through old news stories as if they happened yesterday, even years after they occurred. The only rational explanation to this phenomenon is that becoming a disc jockey grants you the powers of an all-seeing god, at the cost of forgetfulness. It's a tough job.