15 Overlooked PS4 & Xbox Games You Need To Stop Ignoring

Don't just buy what the expensive marketing budget told you about.

By Scott Tailford /

Warhorse/EA/Game Bakers

In case you didn't realise, we're fast approaching the half-decade mark for both the PS4 and Xbox One. In only a few months they'll have been on shelves for five whole years - one less than the amount of time it took Sony to release the PS3 after the monumental PS2.


That timeframe was even less for the flailing Xbox, which was superseded by the mighty, generation-stealing 360. Now, we have the PS4 with a demonstrable sales lead, followed by the mighty runaway Nintendo Switch outselling the Xbox One's lifetime sales in less than one year.

It's a really interesting time, and still the Xbox has its legion of fans. From Game Passes giving you increasingly insane collections of games for monthly prices, free backwards compatibility and - if you have the money - the most powerful console on the planet, backing Xbox One or PS4 gives a lot to like.


Put aside those differences and revel in what the past five years have achieved, as no matter which of the two "bigger" systems you own, there are a TON of phenomenal titles to pick up.