19 Most Laughably Unfair Video Game Bosses Of All Time

"But... but I pressed the button!!?" Yes, you did actually.

By Joe Pring /

Calling any aspect of a video game cheap is always a touchy subject, especially on the wide, wide world of the internet. So often will people misinterpret the views of others as an excuse for being crap at video games, you almost feel like you need to blurt out a disclaimer through a foghorn that you do actually have a reason for such a view. The dividing line between fair and unfair is a thin one, don't get me wrong - but contrary to popular belief, it is possible for an aspect of a video game to be objectively bad. There are just more bases to cover in gaming than in other forms of entertainment. Is a boss fight unfair because it breaks its own rules? Is it intentionally designed in such a way, or is it the result of some very shoddy programming? There are so many different aspects consider before you can confidently call something categorically unfair, but games usually do you the favour of making such cases so blindingly obvious that there's rarely any debate to be had. Nobody likes to lose, but if you're dealt a killing blow due to your own ineptitude, the pill of defeat is far easier to swallow. That's not the case when the enemy you come up against is so clearly designed to win no matter how well you play against them. So join me as I count down 19 of the worst offenders out there, and if you want to try them for yourselves, just make sure you get some padding for your walls for when you inevitably hurl your controller at them out of disgust.
