18 Greatest Video Game Villains Of The 2000s

Gaming's most deliciously evil-doers are just as worth celebrating as the heroes.

By Scott Tailford /

There's just nothing like a really vile, love-to-hate villain you can't wait to give their comeuppance; they can be the reason you'll endure countless terrible missions, bad level design, awful supporting characters or even crippling, experience-breaking glitches - all if that means on the other side of all that is an excuse to silence some infuriating antagonistic force, it's a price worth paying. So far this generation there's not been that many signature villains worth pointing at (hey, stop looking at Ubisoft) - even the gigantic monsters of Evolve would be pushing it - instead you have to look to gaming's vast console-spanning back-catalogue to get a feel for those that really got under your skin. It's worth pointing out that this will be a definitive list of video game villains too, not villains from other media that have appeared in video games - so the likes of Joker, Darth Vader etc. are out. Instead, this is a Despicable Me-style celebration of everything deliciously evil and villainous in all of gaming land post-2000, and even though some subject matter is going to take a turn towards darker material, it was all in service of providing one hell of an engaging experience in the long run.
