20 Retro ‘Demakes’ That Totally Transform Your Favourite Video Games

You've not lived until you've seen The Last of Us on PS1... 

By Robert Zak /

Just like trying to monitor yourself growing up by looking in the mirror every day, it's tough to gauge just how far gaming graphics have come since the days when we first started playing. 


Sure, you can easily distinguish between 16-bit graphics and those of today, but have you looked back at 32-bit era games recently? You can bet they look a hell of a lot worse than you remember.

So what better way to do a then-and-now of video game graphics than by checking out some awesome fan-made 'demasters' of today's most famous games? The Last of Us on PS1, Bloodborne on Sega Saturn (could've saved the console), or how about Doom on the Atari 2600? Plucky gaming fans/Photoshoppers have you more than covered.

Don't get too excited, these are just pictures rather than grabs from full-on demastered games, though looking at some of them, you'll definitely wish they were real.

20. Halo (16-bit)

Look! It's Halo, by way of Contra - Contralo? Or Halontra? Take your pick.


Or don't, and just admire this wonderfully nostalgic piece of platformer pixel art coming to us once again by way of Jnkboy. The level of detail is excellent, and he included several layers of background here, which you can imagine would have a nice parallax effect as you move across the screen, blasting your way through Covenant goons.

You can almost picture Master Chief doing one of those forward-flip Contra jumps to make it onto that ledge, can't you?
