20 Severely Underrated 90s Video Games You Forgot You Loved

Forget Dark Souls, FromSoftware need to make another Tenchu.

By Robert Zak /

To many people growing up in the 90s, it still (worryingly) feels like just a few years. Maybe the fact that we're in a new millennium makes the time span between today and the 90s seem small by comparison, concealing the fact that we're now one-and-a-half decades on from them... yikes. Looking back on the video-games of the period, there were plenty of memorable ones, yet the fact that it was such a transitional period for the medium meant that plenty of lesser-known titles got lost in the ether. 2D platformers released in the 3D era were shunned, pixellated shooters got overlooked as soon as polygonal ones were released, and just about every N64 game not made by Nintendo or Rare was straight-up ignored. This is a tribute to the forgotten, underrated gems of the era. But it's also a kind of celebration, because many of these games have reappeared in recent years in the form of digital downloads and retro revivals. The video game community realises that polygonal graphics are not God, and is seeking to rediscover its heritage. Here are 20 games that you probably played in the 90s, completely forgot about, and need to be reminded of just how good the times you had with them truly were.