20 Things You Miss About Gaming

Put on your rose-tinted glasses, we're going on a journey of nostalgia!

By Tom Butler /

There's no doubt about it, everything looks better the longer ago it happened. This applies strongly to the world of video games, and with this year seeing the release of the remaining eighth generation home consoles, it seems like a perfect time to look back at the golden days of gaming. Where current gamers have fancy online multiplayer, we made do with a flickering split-screen television with some cardboard in the middle. Instead of millions of polygons rendering realistic battle scenes, our video game heroes got by perfectly with just a few pixels. This list takes a look at the things we miss about old-school gaming, from the days when accepting a phonecall would cause the entire internet connection to drop and one simple platformer was enough to keep you entertained for a full year. Put on your Power Glove, grab a bag of 3D Doritoes and prepare for a nostalgic journey through the earlier, simpler days of playing video games!

20. Drop-In Drop-Out Multiplayer

Sure, the internet might have made it a lot easier to meet up with a friend for some gaming fun. But what happens when someone walks into the room while you're playing your favourite FPS and wants to join in for a few minutes? 19. Proper Instruction Manuals It was once common for games to come with sumptuous instruction manuals filled with colourful illustrations and helpful hints. These days, you'll be lucky if you get anything more than a warranty booklet.