Nintendo has created the most culturally iconic characters in the history of gaming. It is impossible to imagine the industry without them. It is also impossible to play their games without wishing they were running on better hardware. Imagine playing Zelda with a real controller, and HD graphics. Imagine that instead of a giant GamePad you could play the Nintendo games you love with an Xbox 360 controller. The experience would be that much better. The question then is what should Nintendo do. Simply put, they should stop making consoles. Instead they should focus on producing the high quality games that gained them such a loyal following in the first place. Here are three reasons why you should want Nintendo to stop making consoles.
3. The Gimmicks Are Annoying
There is nothing quite like putting hours into a game, and getting fully immersed in the experience. This is something that Nintendo games lack. The motion controls of the Wii ruined great experiences. The Legend of Zelda is arguably the best series ever created. Twilight Princess became enraging to play whenever you were forced to aim at something in the game. Skyward Sword remedied that issue with the ability to center the reticule while aiming, but waving the remote around to slash was still annoying. The motion controls often became a hindrance to the experience for many Wii games. The Wii Remote has since been replaced with the Wii U GamePad. The GamePad feels like another gimmick that is being forced upon consumers. The only way consumers can enjoy Nintendo games is by being subjected to using these gimmicky controls. We have yet to see how the GamePad will be used in the new Zelda or the new Super Smash Bros., but it is natural to be skeptical of its integration. It feels as if Nintendo is grabbing at straws attempting to find something that will differentiate their console from the competition. Unfortunately these feel more like gimmicks than the revolutionary features they are supposed to be.