4 Things Batman: Arkham Origins Stole From The Dark Knight Trilogy

By Tom Pakinkis /

After it was revealed that Batman's upcoming video game adventure was to be crafted by the unproven hands of brand new developer Warner Montreal rather than the rocksteady Rocksteady, there was a smidgen of panic. But now, with the latest Batman: Arkham Origins trailer having recently hit the net, there's a growing pile of evidence to suggest that everything's going to be just fine. While the Arkham gameplay mechanics might be largely untouched, Origins looks like another Batman outing that's incredibly loyal to that ever-precious comic book source material and jam-packed with fanboy tributes. It's not just the ink and paper Warner Montreal is taking its cues from. There's a handful of Bat-features in Arkham Origins that seem have been shameless lifted from Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight universe. And 'shamelessly' is the word because there's absolutely no reason Warner should feel ashamed at all! Although the Batman brotherhood has only been treated to a series of teasing flashes from one trailer to the next, those Nolan bits seem right at home in the Origins world. What do you mean you don't know which bits have been nicked from Mr. Nolan? Here...