4 Types Of Video Game DLC You Should Hate (And 4 To Love)

By Dan Curtis /

Downloadable content has always been something of a controversial subject. Originally conceived as the natural ancestor of the expansion pack, DLC was designed to bring us additional content to our games for a further price. It all sounds great on paper. Here the game developers are giving us the tools to keep playing our favourite games for longer, allowing us to get more game time in the worlds we've come to love. There's been plenty of examples of downloadable content over the years being of extremely high quality and genuinely expanding upon the world, but for every one of these great packs, there's seemingly been five bad ones lying in the shadows. Yeah I know - if you don't want DLC don't buy it, right? Unfortunately so many people do that it's become the norm and games that originally would have had additional content have it chopped and sold off as DLC instead. Remember when fighting games actually came with all the characters and you could unlock costumes for them? Good times. It's got to the point now with gaming where I feel as if - despite the rising cost of games - that I'm simply not receiving the full game any more. Whether there's pre-order content that's completely inaccessible to anyone who just goes to buy the game on the day of release or a whole section of the campaign just chopped out as a money grab, the gaming full package is a thing of the past. Microtransactions in particular are starting to invade every game possible like a plague - these are also rapidly growing in price, allowing gamers to essentially skip over doing the fun bits of a game and skip straight to having everything. It's insulting to us who pay so much money already for games; these microtranscations are evil indeed. But the debate about DLC will continue to wage for many years to come, and I simply don't have the answer. Is it good? Is it bad? This article explores both sides of the argument by showcasing the best and worst DLC packs of the last few years. First up, the very worst uses Of DLC...