5 Games That Prove Video Games Are Art

The debate rages on, but where do you stand?

By Thomas Delfino /

Whether video games are art has been asked, debated and analyzed for years, but there is still no clear answer. Some may argue that the question cannot be answered because it's inherently subjective, but it's just as subjective as saying "films are art", and that sentiment is widely accepted.


So why the reluctance to classify video games as art?

Perhaps it's because some noteworthy figures have criticised gaming over the years, such as renowned film critic Roger Ebert, who famously stated "video games can never be art". Maybe the countless political arguments regarding gaming's possible connection to violence has prevented it, too.

But if we ignore all the outside factors and simply view games for what they are, there is no denying the medium has artistic merits.

Art is defined as "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power". The following five video games all wonderfully express creativity and imagination, and each are beautiful and emotional in their own unique ways.

These five games prove gaming is an art form, and they are just the tip of the iceberg...

5. Portal 2

Aside from the beautiful look of the decaying Aperture Facilities and the high-quality dialogue, Portal 2's artistry lies in its subtle and effective world-building.


If you took the time to explore Aperture instead of just completing tests as fast as possible, you were rewarded with an abundance of story-enhancing easter eggs. Stumbling upon the graffiti ridden dens in the game's early chapters will introduce players to Doug Rattman, the only surviving scientist left after GLaDOS's takeover.

Rattman's eerie dens reflect just how dark the world of Portal truly is, which is shocking considering the game's playful tone. But the smaller, darker moments in Portal 2 like the dens actually enhance the overall experience. Players that uncover the true darkness of Aperture end up even more emotionally connected to the game. Seeing the true evil of Aperture makes players all the more motivated to escape.

Later in the game, players traverse the original Aperture Science, which is now a dismantled wasteland. Players that investigated this area were rewarded with a stronger understanding of the world they are inhabiting. For example, discovering the missing Borealis ship connects Portal to the Half-Life franchise, adding another layer to Portal's already fascinating world.

The writing, gameplay, and design of Portal 2 are enough of a selling point on their own, but the game's fully realized world is a shining example of the art of gaming. Portal 2's developers were creative enough to incorporate both simplicity and depth, which resulted in a experience that is equally captivating whether its casually played, examined thoroughly, or anything in between.
